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At-Tayammum (Using Earth for Purification)

At-Tayammum (Using Earth for Purification)

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Its Legislation

Tayammum is imposed by the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) .

Allah the Almighty says:

( And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands.)       (4:43)

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“Pure earth is fit for purification for the Muslim, even if he does not find water for ten years.” [1]

                                                                     (An-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban and it is Sahih)

When it Lawful

Tayammum is permitted for the Muslim in the following circumstances:

1.    Lack of water provided one searches for it as is convenient to him;

2.   Availability of water but inability to use it because of an illness;

3.  Or it is feared that its use will aggravate the illness or delay recovery; [2]

4.  Availability of water to one unable to move in order to reach it and he cannot find someone to  help him by bringing the water to him.

5.   As those who do not have sufficient water for complete ablution, they use the available water for washing whichever limbs they can with it, then perform Tayammum for the remaining limbs.

Allah the Almighty says:

(So, keep your duty to Allah and fear Him as much as you can.)  (64:16)

The Obligatory Elements of Tayammum

1.      Intention. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“Deeds are judged by their intentions. And everyone will have what he intended.”                                                                                                                                                                 



[1] When one cannot find water, nor what can be used for Tayammum, then he must pray as he is even without ablution or Tayammum, and it is not required for him to repeat that prayer later. This is because the Messenger (SAW) and his Companions prayed without ablution when they had no water before the institution of Tayammum . When the revelation about Tayammum was revealed, they did not repeat their prayers.

[2] If the water is cold, while one fears getting sick from using it, and there is no means for heating it, one is allowed to perform Tayammum and perform prayer without fear for the soundness of his prayer.


So, he intends to perform Tayammum to remove what prevents him from prayer, or other than that, by so doing.

2.      Pure Earth.

Allah the Almighty says:

(Perform Tayammum with clean earth.)   (4:43)

3.      The first strike, i.e., placing one’s hands on the dust.

4.       Rubbing the face and the two hands. Allah the Almighty says:

(And rub therewith your faces and hands.)   (4:43)

The Sunan Elements

1.      Reciting:                                  Bismillaah

                                       “In the Name of Allah

The Basmalah  (reciting  Bismillaah)  is legislated for each significant deed.

2.      A second strike. The first strike is obligatory, and it alone is sufficient, yet a second strike is Sunnah.

3.      Wiping the two forearms along with the two hands. Since wiping the hands only is sufficient, wiping the two arms is only a precautionary action. The scholars have different interpretations of the Arabic word:

(Your hands) in the verse. Does it mean the two hands only, or the two hands including the forearms up to the elbows?

Things that Invalidate Tayammum

Tayammum is invalidated by two things:

1.      All of the same things that invalidate Wudhu’, since Tayammum is a substitute for it.

2.      Availability of water to whom it was unavailable before beginning Salah or at its beginning. If one has completed his Salah (with Tayammum) then his prayer is valid and he is not required to repeat his Salah, even if he discovers water. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“Do not perform the same Salah twice in the same day.” [1]


Which Acts are Permitted for the One Who Performed Tayammum


All the acts that were prohibited before Tayammum become permissible after it, such as: Salah, Tawaf, touching a copy of the Qur’an, reading the Qur’an, and staying in the Masjid.


How to perform Tayammum

One recites:

Bismillaah intending to perform Tayammum to remove what prevents him from the deeds he intends.


[1] An-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Ibn As-Sakan.

The wording with An-Nasa’i is:

“Do not repeat the prayer in one day two times.”

There may be the case that one prays one prayer, then finds a congregation praying it again, so he joins them and repeats the prayer with them. This will count as a voluntary prayer for him according to the Hadith narrated about that.


Striking the dust, sand, stone etc., with his hands. It is permitted to blow on the hands slightly (to remove the excessive dust). Wiping his face once. It is permissible, if one so desires, to strike the earth with his hands a second time and wipe his hands along with his arms up to the elbows. If he wipes only his hands it is sufficient.


Question:    Is Tayammum (if not nullified) valid for multiple prayers?

Answer:      The people of knowledge differ in their decisions on this matter because there is no clear text to confirm one view and rule out the other. Out of precaution, it is recommended to perform Tayammum for every Salah.

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