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Congregational Salah

Congregational Salah

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Its Ruling

Congregational Salah is an emphasized Sunnah required in the case of every believing adult male having no excuse for not attending it.

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“There is no group of three in a village or desert that do not hold congregational prayer except Satan will overpower them. So, adhere to the congregation; since the wolf eats the lone sheep.”

                     (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i and Al-Hakim, and it is Sahih)

He (SAW) also said:

“By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, I was about to order the collection of firewood, then order the call for the prayer, appointing someone to lead the people in the prayer, then go to the homes of those men who did not attend the congregational prayer and set fire to their homes.”      (Agreed upon)

A blind man asked Him (SAW) to excuse him from the congregational prayer, since he has no one to guide him to the Masjid. First, He (SAW) excused him, but when the man went away, He (SAW) called him and asked him:

 “Do you hear the call to the prayer?”  The man said: “Yes.” He (SAW) said:

                                      “ Then answer the call.”        (Muslim)

Ibn Mas‘ud, may Allah be pleased with him said: “We used to consider that those who did not attend the prayer in congregation were only the hypocrites whose hypocrisy was well known. A sick person would come to it assisted by two others until he stood in the row.”   (Muslim)

Its Virtue

The virtue for congregational prayer is great, and the rewards for it are tremendous. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:

“Congregational Salah is better than the Salah of the individual by twenty-seven degrees.”

And He (SAW) said :

 “A man’s Salah in congregation is better than his Salah in his home and his Salah in the marketplace by twenty some degrees. That is because when one of you performs ablution well, then goes to the Masjid, intending nothing else but Salah, then he takes no step, but that Allah raises him one degree by it, and removes one sin by it until he reaches the Masjid. When he enters the Masjid, then he is in prayer as long as he is waiting for the prayer. The angles pray for one of you as long as he remains sitting where he performed his prayer; they say: “O Allah! Forgive him. O Allah have mercy on him” for as long he does not invalidate his ablution.”      (Agreed upon)

The Smallest Number of People that Constitute a Congregation

The least number required for the congregational prayer is two: the Imam and another one with him. The more people, the more loved by Allah. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“A man’s Salah with another man is worth more than his Salah individually, and his Salah with two men is worth more than his prayer with only one man. The more there are, the more loved by Allah.”

(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i, Ibn Hibban who graded it Sahih, Ibn As-Sakan, and Al-Hakim.)

That it is performed in the Masjid is better. The farther Masjid is better than the nearer, due to the saying of the Messenger (SAW)

“The people attaining the most reward are those who have the furthest to walk.”

                                                      (Muslim, Ahmad, and Abu Dawud)

Women Attending Congregational Salah

Women may attend congregational Salah in the Masjid provided it will be secure from any trials by their attendance and doing so will not cause any harm, due to the saying of the Prophet (SAW)

“Do not prevent the female servants of Allah from the Masjids of Allah. They should go without wearing perfume. If she wears perfume, it is not lawful for her to attend Salah in congregation in the Masjid.”

                                                                     (Ahmad, and Abu-Dawud)

He (SAW) also said:

“Any woman who has applied the fragrance of incense may not attend the latter night prayer with us.”


The woman’s prayer in the home is better because of the saying of the Prophet(SAW):

“And their houses are better for them.”

Going out and Walking to the Prayer

It is desirable for the one going to the Masjid to proceed with his right foot when exiting the home, saying:

Bismillah, tatwakkaltu ‘alallaah, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. Allaahumma innee a’uwthu bika an adhilla aw udhall, aw azzila aw uzzal, aw athlima aw uthlam, aw ajhala aw yujhala ‘alayya.

“In the Name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah, neither power nor strength comes except from Allah.        O Allah! I seek refuge with You to neither mislead nor be misled, neither cheat nor be cheated, neither oppress nor be oppressed, neither behaving nor being treated ignorantly.

And also:

Allaahumma innee asa’luka bihaqqis-saa’leena ‘alayka, wa bihaqqi mamshaya hathaa, fa innee lam akhruj ashiran wa laa bataran, wa laa riyaa’n wa laa sum’atan, kharajtut-tiqaa’ sakhatika wabtigha’a, mardhaatika, as’aluka an tunqithanee minan-naar, wa an taghfiralee thunoobee jamee’an, fa innahu laa yaghfiruth-thunooba illaa anta. Allaahummaj’al fee qalbee nooran, wa fee lisaanee nooran, wa fee sam’i-ee nooran, wa fee basaree nooran, wa ‘an yameenee nooran, wa ‘an shimaalee nooran, wa min fawqee nooran. Allaahumma a’thim lee nooran.

“O Allah! I ask You by the right of those who walk for Your sake and by my walking; since I do not go out to show off nor out of hypocrisy. I go out only fearing Your wrath and seeking only Your contentment. I ask You to save me from the Fire and to forgive me all my sins, since none forgives sins except You.       O Allah ! Place light in my heart, on my tongue, in my hearing, and in my sight. Place light on my right, on my left, and above me. O Allah! Give me a magnificent light.” [1]

He should go to the Masjid with tranquility. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“When you go out for the prayer, then do so calmly. Perform what you catch and complete what you did not.”                                                                                                         (Muslim recorded some of it)

Upon reaching the Masjid, one should enter with the right foot saying:

“Bismillaah, a’uwdhu billahil-‘atheem, wa biwajhihil-kareem, wa sultaanihil-qadeem, minash-shaytaanir-rajeem. Allaahuma salli ‘alaa nabeenaa Muhammadin wa aalihi wa sallim. Allaahummaaghfirlee thunoobee, waftahlee abwaaba rahmatik.

“In the Name of Allah, I seek refuge in Allah the Magnificent by His Generous Face, and by His Timeless Sovereignty, from the cursed Satan. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and His household. O Allah! Forgive me my sins and open for me the gates of Your Mercy.”      ( Ahmad and Ibn Majah )

He should not sit before performing two Rak’ahs upon entry to the Masjid. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“When anyone of you enters the Masjid, let him not sit until he performs two Rak’ahs.”

This is however not the case if the sun is rising or setting since the Messenger of Allah (SAW) prohibited prayer at these two times.

When he leaves the Masjid, he leaves with his left foot first, and repeat what he has said on entering except replacing:                Waftahlee adwaaba rahmatik.

                                      “And open for me the gates of Your Mercy.”

With:                                     Waftahlee abwaaba fadhlik.

                                  “And open for me the gates of Your Bounty.”


[1] The section wording up to “nor being treated ignorantly” is recorded by At-Tirmithi from Umm Salamah. The remainder is recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, with different wording.

Editor’s note: Rather the first part is recorded by Ibn Majah, and it was graded weak by Ibn Hajar (Takhis Al-Habir) An-Nawawi (Al-Adhkar), Al-Haythumi (Al-Majmu’),  and many others. Additionally, its content is such that it should not be acted upon.

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