Muslim reported that Ibn Umar (R.A.) said:
“By Him (Allah) in Whose Hand is the soul of Ibn Umar, if anyone possessed gold amount to Uhud mountain and spent it all in the cause of Allah, Allah would not accept it unless he believes in Qadar (Divine Decree).”Then he cited as evidence the words of the Prophet (SAW): “Iman (Belief) is to believe in: 1) Allah; 2) His Angels; 3) His revealed Books; 4)His Messengers; 5) The Day of Resurrection and Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments), the good and the bad of it.”
It is reported by Ubadah bin As-Samit(R.A.)
He said to his son, “O son, you’ll never get the taste of Iman until and unless you realize that what has afflicted you was not to miss you and what has missed you was not to afflict you. I heard Allah’s Messenger(SAW) saying: ‘The first thing Allah created was the pen. He ordered it to write. It said: My Lord what shall I write? He said: Write down the Destinies of all things until the establishment of the Hour’. O my son, I hear Allah’s Messenger (SAW) saying: ‘Who dies believing something other than this, does not belong to me.”
In a slightly different version by Ahmad:
“The first thing Allah created was the pen. He said to it: ‘Write’ and in that very Hour all what was to occur (was written) until the Day of Resurrection.”
In another narration by Ibn Wahb, Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:
“Whoever does not believe in Qadar (Divine Preordainment), whether good or bad, will be burned by Allah in the Hell-fire.”
It is reported in Musnad Ahmad and Sunan Abi Dawud on the authority of Ibn Ad-Dailami that he said:
I went to Ubai bin Ka‘b (R.A.) and I said to him, “There is something within me (dought) regarding Al-Qadar. Please narrate to me something that perhaps by it Allah would take it (doubt) from my heart.” He said, “Even if you spend gold equal to the weight of Uhud mountain, Allah will not accept it until you believe in Qadar. And know that what has afflicted you was not to miss you and what has missed you was not to afflict you and if you die believing something other than this, then you are one of the people of Hell-fire.” I then went to Abdullah bin Mas‘ud, and Hudhifa bin Al-Yaman and Zaid bin Thabit (R.A.) and they all reported something similar from the Prophet (SAW) to me.
The above quoted Hadith is Sahih. Al-Hakim reported it in his collection Sahih.
Important issues of the Chapter
1) Explanation of the obligation to believe in Al-Qadar.
2) Explanation of how to believe regarding it.
3) Uselessness of the deeds of one who does not believe in it.
4) No one can get the sweetness of Iman unless he believes in Qadar (Divine Preordainment)
5) A mention of what Allah created first.
6) That the pen wrote down all the events to take place till the last day.
7) The Prophet’s disapproval of whoever does not have belief in Qadar.
8) The habit of the pious predecessors to refer the matter to scholars to clear any doubts.
9) The scholars of Islam answered with what cleared all doubts regarding Qadar by only giving reference to the statements of Prophet (SAW).
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