1. The Prophet (SAW) said:
“Whoever bathes, then comes to Jumu’ah (Friday prayer) then prayed whatever was written for him, then listened silently until the Imam finishes the Khutbah (sermon) then prays with the Imam, Allah will forgive his sins which he had committed between the previous Jumu’ah and the present one, plus three more days after that and whoever touches the pebbles, he committed a futile act.” (Muslim)
2. And He (SAW) said:
“Whoever performs a Ghusl (bath) on Friday, like the Ghusl for Janaba (post discharge state) then set out for the Masjid, it is as if he sacrificed a camel; and whoever set out in the second time, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; and whoever set out in the third time, it is as if he sacrificed a ram with horns; and the one who went in the fourth time, it is as if he sacrificed a chicken; and whoever went in the fifth time, it is as if he has given an egg in charity; and when the Imam comes out, the angels gather to listen to the sermon.” (Muslim)
3. And He (SAW) said:
“Whoever prays ‘Isha in congregation, it is as if he stood half the night (in Salat); and whoever prays Fajr (Dawn) in congregation, it is as if he stood the whole night.” (Muslim).
4. And He (SAW) said:
“The Salat of a man in congregation excels Salat in house or Salat in a business center, 23 to 29 times in reward. That is because when anyone performed Wudu, and performed it well, then came to the Masjid, with no other motive except the Salat, he takes no step without being raised thereby a degree, and a sin is removed from his account, until he enters the Masjid, once he enters the Masjid he is counted as being in prayer as long as he is waiting for the Salat, and the angels keep praying for him as long as he is sitting where he prayed; they say’ ‘O Allah have mercy on him, O Allah forgive him, O Allah accept his repentance.’ They do as long as he bothers no one and as long as he keeps his Wudu.” (Bukhari and Muslim, the wording is according to Muslim)
How To Offer Friday Prayer With Its Etiquettes
1. Take a bath on Friday, and trim your nails, and apply some perfume and wear clean clothes after performing Wudu.
2. Don’t eat raw onion or garlic and don’t smoke. Clean your mouth with a Siwak (tooth stick) or a toothbrush with toothpaste.
3. Pray two Rak’a upon entering the Masjid even if the Khatib (orator) is on the Minbar (pulpit) in accordance with the order of the Prophet (SAW) when He said:
“When one of you comes to Jumu‘ah and the Imam is giving the Khutbah, he should perform two Rak’a and make them short.” (Agreed upon).
4. Sit quietly listening to the Imam.
5. Pray the two obligatory Rak’a of Jumu’ah behind the Imam (the intention should be in the heart).
6. Pray four Rak’a Sunnah , afterwards, in the Masjid or two Rak’a in the home, which is better.
7. Supplicate for the Prophet (SAW) i.e. ask Allah to bless him. This should be more plentiful than on other days.
8. Supplicate to Allah as much as you can on Friday. The Prophet (SAW) said:
“Verily, there is an hour on Friday, no Muslim would ask Allah for what is good but He would give it to him.” (Agreed upon).
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