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The condemnation of the One who worships Allah at the Grave of a Righteous Man

The condemnation of the One who worships Allah

at the Grave of a Righteous Man and how then does

this amount to Worship of the Man

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In the Sahih (i.e., Al-Bukhari and Muslim), ‘Aishah (R.A.) reported:

“Umm Salamah mentioned to Allah’s Messenger (SAW) that in Abyssinia she saw a church full of pictures and statues. He (SAW) said:

“When a righteous man or pious worshipper among them dies they build a place of worship over his grave and set up all kinds of pictures and statues. They are the worst of all creatures before Allah. They combine two evils; worshipping at the graves and making graven images and statues.”

Also in Al-Bukhari and Muslim it is reported that ‘Aishah (R.A.) narrated:

When the death approached Allah’s Messenger (SAW) , he began to draw a piece of cloth (bed sheet) over his face, (sometimes covering and sometimes removing because of distress), He (SAW) said in this state:

“Allah’s curse be upon the Jews and Christians for taking the graves of their Prophets as places of worship.”  Thus He (SAW) warned the people about their actions. Had there not been any fear of making the Prophet’s grave a place of worship, His (SAW) grave would have been open as the graves of his Companions (R.A.)

Muslim reported from Jundub bin Abdullah (R.A.) who narrated:

I heard the Prophet (SAW) say only five days before his death:


“I am free and clear towards Allah of having any of you as my Khalil (specially close friend). Verily, Allah has taken me as His Khalil just as He had taken Ibrahim (A.S.) as a Khalil. If I would have taken anyone from my Ummah as a Khalil, I would have taken Abu Bakr (R.A.) as a Khalil. Beware! Those who preceded before you, used to make their Prophet’s graves into place of worship. Beware! Don’t take (any) graves as place of worship. I forbid you to do so”

He (SAW) forbade this at the end of his life. After this [forbidding of taking graves as Masjid (place of worship], he cursed anyone who did any such deed within this context. Prayer at the graves is one of these deeds, even if no Masjid  has been built. This is the meaning of His (SAW) words “He feared (his grave) would be taken as a Masjid”. The Companions never built any place of worship around his grave. Any place which is intended for prayer or where prayer is performed has indeed been taken as a Masjid. Just as the Prophet (SAW) said:

“The whole earth has been made for me a Masjid and it is pure and clean.”

Ahmad has reported with a good Sanad that Ibn Mas‘ud (R.A.) narrated in a Marfu ‘Hadith (tradition traced to the Prophet (SAW) himself):

“The most evil men are those upon whom the (signs of ) Hour (of Resurrection) comes while they are still alive, and those who take graves as places of worship (Masjid)”. [This tradition was also reported by Abu Hatim in his Sahih.]

Important issues of the Chapter

1)     The intimidation of Allah’s Messenger (SAW) over the one who builds a mosque to worship Allah near the grave          of a righteous person even with good intention.

2)   Prohibition of statues and likenesses and the gravity of the matter.

3)   A lessen in the emphasis of the Prophet (SAW) on this. How he first explained and clarified the issue (politely),             then five days before his death saying what he said, then how He found at the time of His death what was                   previously said insufficient in the context.

4)  Prophet (SAW) strongly prohibited the turning of his grave into a Masjid before it had come into existence.

5)  It was the practice of the Jews and Christians to turn the graves of their Prophets into place of worship.

6)   His curse on the Jews and Christians for this practice.

7)   His intension in doing so was a warning to us regarding his grave.

8)  The reason for not raising his grave.

9)  The meaning of taking them (graves) as Masjid.

10) The Prophet (SAW) linked those who took the graves as Masjid to those upon whom the Hour will occur. He                   mentioned the means to Shirk before its actual occurrence along with its final consequence.

11) The mentioning of Prophet (SAW) in his speech a refutation of the two worst sects of innovators just five days              prior to his death. Some scholars have not included these two sects in the 72 [1]  sects. These two sects are                  Rafidah [2] and Jahmiyah [3] . The occurrence of Shirk and grave worshipping was due to Rafidah sect, and they         were the first to build Masjid over the graves.

12) Suffering of the Prophet (SAW) with pains and affliction from the agony of death.

13) Allah awarded the favor of making him a Khalil (friend).

14) A clear declaration that close friendship is more valuable than love.


[1]  72 sects mentioned as being from the Prophet’s nation, but all would go to Hell because of their heresies.

[2] Rafidah --- The Shi‘ah called Rafidah because of their rejection (Rafd) to ‘Ali bin Hussain (Zain Al-‘Aabideen)..

[3] Jahmiyah--- A sect denying all the Names and Attributes of Allah.


15) A clear declaration that As-Siddiq (Abu Bakr) R.A. was the best of the Companions.

      The indication to him (Abu Bakr) as caliph (successor to the Prophet SAW).

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