Allah the Almighty said:
“Do they attribute as partners to Allah those who created nothing but they themselves are created? No help can they give them, nor can they help themselves.” (7: 191, 192)
Allah the Most Exalted said:
“And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmir (the thin membrane over the date-stone). If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call, and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you (O Muhammad (SAW) like Him Who is the All-Knower (of each and everything).” (35: 13,14)
It is reported in the Sahih (i.e., Al-Bukhari and Muslim) from Anas (R.A.) who narrated:
The Prophet (SAW) was hit on the day of Uhud (the battle of Uhud) and his teeth were broken. So he said, " How can a people succeed who hit their Prophet?” the verse (3: 128) was then revealed: “Not for you (O Muhammad , but for Allah) is the decision.”
Also reported therein from Ibn Umar (R.A.)
He heard Allah’s Messenger (SAW) say when he raised his head from bowing in the last Rak’at of the Fajr prayer: “O Allah, curse so-and-so.” Then Allah revealed: “Not for you (O Muhammad, but for Allah) is the decision.”
In another narration:
He (SAW) invoked Allah against Safwan bin Umaiyah and Suhail bin ‘Amr and Al-Harith bin Hisham”, then the verse was revealed : Not for you (O Muhammad, but for Allah) is the decision.”
It is also reported in the Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah (R.A.) who said:
Allah’s Messenger (SAW) stood up when it was revealed to him: “And warn your tribe (O Muhammad (SAW) of near kindred.” (26: 214) and (SAW) said, “O people of Quraish”------ or words similar to that – “sell your own souls. I will not be of any help to you before Allah; O Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, I will not be of any help to you before Allah; O Safiyah, aunt of Allah’s Messenger, I will not be of any help to you before Allah; O Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad (SAW), ask my wealth what you wish, I will be of no avail to you before Allah.”
Important issues of the Chapter
1) An explanation of the two verses (7: 120 and 35: 13,14)
2) The story of Uhad.
3) Qunut (supplication) of Allah’s Messenger (SAW) in the prayer (against someone’s) and saying Amin of the Companions (SAW) behind him.
4) The ones who were supplicated against, were disbelievers (Kuffar).
5) They (Quraish) did things that most other of the disbelievers had not done such as causing injury to the head of their Prophet and being intent upon his murder. Also mutilation of those killed in battle though they were their cousins.
6) Allah revealed to him in relation to this:
“Not for you (O Muhammad, but for Allah) is the decision.”
7) His (Allah’s) Statement:
“He turns in mercy to (pardons) them or punishes them.”
and He did turn toward them and they believed.
8) Al-Qunut (invoking Allah against someone’s) in time of disaster.
9) Specifically naming the ones who are being invoked against in the prayers by their names and the names of their fathers.
10) Cursing someone in particular in the Qunut.
11) Circumstances of the Prophet (SAW) at the time of the revelation to him of:
“And warn your tribe (O Muhammad (SAW) of near kindred.” (26: 214)
12) The seriousness of the Prophet (SAW) to the issue that insanity was attributed to him, and likewise is the case of a Muslim who does so now.
13) His (the Prophet’s) statement to those close and far to him: “I will be no avail to you before Allah” to the extent that he said: “O Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, I will not be of any avail to you before Allah.” If he made this clear while he was the leader of the Messengers that he (SAW) could not avail the best of women of this world, and a man believes that he (SAW) does not speak but truth,-- then he looks at what has occurred in the hearts of the people of position today, the issue of Tauhid would be clear, and so the strangeness of the religion. [1]
[1] Reference is made to the Hadith: “Islam began as something strange and it will again return to being something strange, so may Allah bless the strangers (that they be beneath a tree of Paradise).”
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